enfrdeinfo@wsystem.com +33 2 40 78 22 44 - For USA only (800) 875-5907


Waves System privileged technological partner of furniture designers for retail spaces

We offer a range of video players and interactive audio players to suit any situation.

Powerful and innovative technology - Simplicity - Reliability - Fully integrated system

Our standard solutions

We have developed standard solutions integrating video players and directional speakers

Our tailor-made solutions

We tailor our wide range of audio players, video players, interface boxes and trigger sensors to meet your tailor-made requests.


dynamic dispaly

Install a dynamic display or an audio system in your POS. We adapt our solutions to your application.

interactive solutions

Bring your hand close to an object and the IR CAM detects it several meters away with great precision.

Audio / Video Systems

We offer a wide range of audio and video systems to test on a sales shelf. Our solutions are flexible and adaptable to all the projects that may be submitted to us.

catalogue waves system

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We already operate in many universes where POS is predominant and very important for retailers

Contact us to work on your projects

+332 40 78 22 44